What do I know...

...about my father's great grandparents? Barely nothing. And to be honest, they don't even interest me that much. Still, they are just as much related to me as Salomon and Lydia. Why do I focus so much on those two and not on the other seven couples in the same generation? Because I knew more about them from the beginning.

Very often, it is not a thing being more interesting in itself which makes you put the spotlight on it. It is the spotlight on it which makes it more interesting.

This picture...

...from 2008 shows Eva and Roman Nabereznyj, children of Vanessa Ring, grandchildren of Ted Ring, great grandchildren of Kerstin Lindman. Two of the youngest members of our Society, unusually nice and  well-behaved.

Coming soon: "In Conversation with Dick Ring"

This picture...

...taken at Skeda in 1976, shows my great aunt Stina with her granddaughter Katarina - and me. (Looks like I've said or done something bad, as usual.)

On family research

All life is about creating order. And maybe family research ultimately serves the same purpose as memory: to create order in the past.

This picture...

...shows Karin Lindman on her 80'th birthday in 1973. Perhaps she was the most colorful of the Lindman sisters.

In a chaotic world...

...where so much is uncertain and so many dangers are threatening, a family society is a safe and secure element. We have now had two formal reunions. Ideally, I think  we should have one every third year, either in Sweden or in Canada.

On memory

Memory is often treacherous. We never know what we remember, really. Our forgetfullness affects us in selective ways. For many reasons, what we observe when we hear and see something is also selective. 

From Gösta Wennberg's  "About Dad", essay 2 (my translation). More true than we can ever grasp.

This picture...

...which I got from Jennifer, shows Dick and Margaret visiting my grandmother Brita at Skeda in 1977. She is holding my brother Larz. Could it by called a meta-family picture (I'm thinking of the album)?

And back in my home in Leksand...

...I found two parents.

If I had a house on my own...

... I would like it to look like this. (And we're only talking about the hallway.)

...a visit to the Parliament

This is the Upper House.

And finally...

A family historian in action

Jennifer back in Ottawa

Out on a walk

Her husband Michael with a dog...

...that very much would like to eat a family historian.

Kerstin Ring II

Kerstin Ring I

Jazz at the Rex

A wonderful and cultural goodye to Toronto.

Vanessa Ring....

...with her daughter Eva and husband John Nabare... naberezzn.. nbzeeerezn....
Anyway Eva and John.

In Toronto with Jennifer....

...the family historian of the Canadian branch.

Group photo

More about the reunion soon under "What's New?"

Presentation: "The Novel about Lydia"

In Barbara's garden in Toronto

We really look forward...

...to really look back.

For the big event tomorrow...

Essay: "In Conversation with Dick Ring"

Girlfriend Taeko

Michael Lindman Ring

Amelie and Margaret

The Lindman motto

From the family tree the future unfolds.

Even though family research is exciting...

...The Maid of the Mist boat indeed provided the most adventurous part of the day!! While Hans and Dick were discussing Ring and Lindman family trees safely seated on a bench on solid ground, I (Amelie) meanwhile enjoyed a close up visit to the Niagara Falls on board of the "Maid of the Mist" together with a group of friendly Koreans.

It's good to be able...

...to look in the rear view mirror.

Amelie and Dick...

...in the Beamer Fall's Memorial Park.

Richard Lindman Ring...

...Grimsby, Ontario. The remaining man of the old generation.

Everything from everywhere

Toronto in short.

Amelie in front of the CN Tower

At Queen's park...

...Amelie took this picture of me, totally unexpected.

Sitting in a bad Chinese Restaurant...

...Amelie and I started to talk about ancestors. From the very beginning we must all be related, musn't we. But who was the first ancestor? It must be someone without parents, otherwise he would not be the first. "There was no such ancestor" you maybe say. But then there could be no second or third either. Or?

And finally...

...she arrived. The ambassadors of the Swedish branch are ready to begin their work!

I'm right now waiting...

...for my cousin Amelie, who will show up here late at night. Hope it will not take to long. In the restaurant downstairs I felt like I was going to faint. I immediately thought it was a brain tumour, but it could also be the jetlag (I haven't really slept for about two days).

At Sheraton Centre Toronto

The view from my window makes a promising start.

Staying at a hotel...

...is like a minature of the life that you would like to always  have. (Someone else does everything for you, unless you want to do it yourself.)  Flight to Paris, then to Toronto, tomorrow at 6.40. Going up at 4 o' clock in the morning is against the very idea of going to bed. But the purpose could definitely be worse.

A picture from this Monday...

...when we had a minor family reunion in Kalmar. The ladies from left: Eva-Karin Strand Wåtz, Margareta Teke, Marita Tidlund Lindman, Ulla Wennberg. Photo by Rainer Ulonska.

Welcome to the Family Blog!

In this blog for Salomon and Lydia Lindman's descendants (as well as other interested) you will be able to follow my work with, and thoughts about, our family today and yesterday. There will be diaries, stories, memories, reflections and sometimes discussions. So don't hesitate to leave a comment, either in Swedish or in English! 

Hans Teke, Prime Mover

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