In 2006....
And this was her dedication...

This book...

...from 2002 shows Salomon's sisters Elisabeth (Elsi's grandmother) and Esther. The picture was taken in Jönköping 1873.
This lady... authoress Elsi Rydsjö, 89 years old and probably the most well known Lindman descendant living today. She is a granddaughter of Salomon's sister (and thereby a second cousin of, for example, Dick). Elsi Rydsjö has written a lot of historical novels; one of the first was Kavalkad, a partly reality based story about Salomon's father. She has also written novels inspired by her mother's life. This picture was taken last summer when I visited her in her beautiful home in Simrishamn in the very south of Sweden. Unfortunately she doesn't write anymore because of her bad sight, but had she been younger and still active I would have asked her to write the novel about Lydia.
A historical letter...

...has been found by Anita Råsten. On January 16, 1924, Kerstin Lindman Ring writes to her mother Lydia: "Dear beloved Mother! It is sad news I have to write to you all in the country of Sweden, who love our nice decent Greta. She passed away on January 16 at 00.45 at night after the twins, a boy and a girl, was born at 10.20 - 10.30 in the evening. So after only two hours..."
And we all know what happened after this. Greta's husband Christian remarried Mildred and only a few years later he died himself. The children Bob, Margaret, Else and Chris were left with a difficult and demanding stepmother, which made them all (except Bob) escape to Sweden in the 1930's. Else settled down in Sweden while Margaret and Chris eventually returned to the US.
This picture...

...from 2007 shows my cousin Anna with her daughter Majken. (She turned down my suggestions Rebecca, Beatrice and Emelie.) Although we're extremely different she feels almost like a sister.
120 years ago...

...on August 23, 1889, my great grandmother Anna was born at the farm Österängen in Jönköping, Sweden, as the first child of Salomon and Lydia Lindman. She had three children, seven grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. Today she also has nine great great grandchildren. By this birthday it is now 50 years since this wonderful film was made by my grandfather Bertil. Enjoy!
This picture...

...from the early 1940's, likely taken at Skeda, shows Sylvia Ring together with my grandparents Brita and Bertil Sjögren. In the photo album, my great grandfather Helge has written under it: "Sylvia, a good looking girl although she doesn't know it / believe it herself."
In 1935...
...Kerstin Lindman Ring and her children Ted, Sylvia and Dick left Canada for Sweden because of the depression. Initially, they lived in the home of Kerstin's sister Anna and her husband Helge. At the same time, the children of Kerstin's deceased sister Greta lived there. This picture, taken in Värnamo around 1940, shows Kerstin, Margaret (Greta's daughter), a Finnish girl (name unknown) whom Anna had taken care of, Else (Greta's daughter), Helge, Chris (Greta's son), Ted, Dick, Sylvia, Anna with another Finnish girl on her lap, and Stina (Anna's daughter). One person in this picture, Dick, is still with us today. Go to "More Stories" and read my conversation with him!

This picture...

...from the early 1930's shows the king visiting Queen Victoria's rest home at Öland in Sweden. Lydia Lindman, who stayed there for a few summers, is furtherst to the left. King Gustav V (great grandfather of the present) was known for playing tennis and being queer.
This is my niece...

...Ella Monemar Teke.
This picture...
...from 1969 shows Joe Perna, Alex Lifeson, John Rutsey and Lindy Young in the heavy metal group Hadrian, a temporary version of the more famous Rush. Lindy Young is son of Louise Ring and grandson of Kerstin Lindman. When Rush-fans all over the world saw this picture on our website in March (obviously it hadn't been published before) they went nuts:
And Irma's grandmother...
May I present...

...the next family historian. Or at least the youngest descendant: Irma Tillmann Råsten, born July 5, 2009. Daughter of Jennifer, granddaughter of Anita, great granddaughter of Else, great great granddaughter of Greta.